Let’s jump right in, shall we?
Mark was writing primarily to a Gentile audience (i.e. non-Jewish…which meant probably a Roman audience, but which also means all of us. Unless you’re Jewish. We still love you.) This is likely why Mark starts his gospel story the way he does.
“The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” [1]
Are you pumped?! I’m pumped. Bring on some JESUS!
“John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”[2]
Was anyone else confused by this? I certainly was. It took me some studying to figure out why this guy was even a part of the story. Fortunately for us, Mark explains in the previous couple of verses that this is the messenger that is to be sent to prepare the way of the Lord. He’s actually Jesus’ cousin[3], but that story (while pretty awesome itself) is for another post. What we need to know right now is this: John the Baptizer was a legitimate prophet, just like the ones who had appeared in the Old Testament. And the people in Israel would have known this just by the way he dressed, and what he ate. Mark explains:[4]
Mark shows us that John was there for the sole purpose of announcing the arrival of Jesus. And wouldn’t you know it? Jesus shows up. Immediately.[5] He shows up in the arms of John the Baptizer, being…well, baptized. And here, from the lips of God we receive the affirmation of what Mark has already told us:
From the looks of things, Jesus wastes absolutely no time in starting His ministry. After the temptation from the devil in the desert, Jesus jumps right into preaching and healing and all kinds of miracles that could only come from the Son of God. People all around Him are coming to knowledge of the True God based on what they hear Jesus say and what they see Him do. Every move He makes drips with the authority that Jesus IS the Son of GOD.
So far so good, right? Jesus is really moving and shaking wherever he goes, calling people to follow Him and proclaiming the kingdom of God. And people seem to be listening. But we will soon see that Jesus’ life and ministry aren’t without opposition, which is a lot like our lives. Things can seem to be going really great, and we’re doing what God wants us to do, but then somewhere along the way we WILL face opposition. Jesus’ life was no different. Jesus was the Son of God seeking out the Kingdom of God...and He collides with men/people who are seeking the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Man. And conflict ensues.
Stay tuned as we examine the root of the coming conflicts Jesus encounters in His ministry. And as always, stay classy.
Stay tuned as we examine the root of the coming conflicts Jesus encounters in His ministry. And as always, stay classy.
[1] Mark 1:1 (hint: this is a biiiiig clue as to what the purpose of this gospel book is…did you catch it? It’s underlined. And bolded.)
[2] Mark 1:4
[3] See Luke 1:5-45 for John the Baptist’s back-story
[4] Mark 1:6
[5] Another hint: the word immediately is going to show up a lot. This helps us see the action-packed-ness of Jesus.
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